To promote and to disseminate the Mexican biodiversity through photography, video, articles and magazines, contributing to the formation of a culture and an environmental awareness in the people, to encourage the protection and the conservation of the local wildlife, through ecological actions.


To educate and to encourage a Mexican social awareness on environmental matters.


To encourage respect, and the preservation of the Mexican biodiversity; its habitats, and its ecology.


To collaborate to improve constantly the protection and  conservation of the Mexican wild life; promoting and developing campaigns to educate the future generations on the importance of our Mexican biodiversity, our wildlife, ecosystems and the environment.


We share the social responsibility to protect and to help keeping our natural environment free of pollution, as it is our individual responsibility to safeguard our local and global ecosystems, through a sensitive education of respect and preservation of our natural wonders, to our actual and future generations. Sharing this view of our natural environment, local and global, through this blog we want to encourage a social awareness on our Mexican biodiversity, and to promote respect, education, and if possible... help to protect, not only the Mexican habitats, but also the living creatures that live in them, through enduring those projects aimed to protect those living entities.

Sharing these responsibilities, of educating and promoting a local, and to help promote a global awareness of a healthy natural environment, Mexifauna, presents photos, videos, articles, and publications, created as the result of Mexifauna's interests in the environment, wildlife and biodiversity, expecting that these pieces of local art, may help to educate and to define the cultural identity on every environmental matter of the Mexican society as a nation, thus helping to create a more humane society.


To offer a new positive attitude to the world's population, especially the Mexican people, about the care and the respect for the planet through designs of local art, photographs, videos, articles, and publications, to communicate through of culture these values to each and every one of the generations to come.

It's up to us, the young people, to develop to the maximum our intellectual and technical skills to achieve a greater transformation on our way of living, to avoid causing further damage to our environment; thus creating humans which are well informed and more demanding in the conservation of ecosystems, wildlife and the environment.

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